Effective delt workout to pump the middle and rear delts

Effective delt workout to pump the middle and rear delts

It is no secret to anyone that for full and comprehensive development it is worth performing several different exercises for each muscle. This also applies to the deltoid muscles.

However, how many of you are doing for the development of your deltas something other than a bench press while sitting or standing and lifting dumbbells across the sides, standing and leaning?

If your shoulder muscle training looks just like this, we suggest you replenish the arsenal of exercises with another movement that effectively affects both the middle and posterior deltoid bundles.

A 2014 study, during which sensors were attached to all three bundles of participants’ deltas measuring the electrical activity of muscles during a variety of exercises, showed that …

The dumbbell row for the deltoid muscles at an angle of 45 degrees activates the middle bundles at about the same level as the lifts of bent arms with dumbbells across the sides, as well as the rear bundles at about the same level as the dumbbell lifts through the sides in an inclined position, sitting.

Therefore, further in this article, we want to tell you about 5 varieties of this exercise, as well as how to integrate it into your training program.

45-Degree Incline Row To Target Rear Delt: Correct Technique

Regardless of which of the 5 types of exercises, you choose for yourself, we recommend that you stick to the following execution technique:

  • At the top of the movement, your elbows should be at an angle of 90 degrees to the body.
  • Do not let your wrists bend when lifting weights.
  • If you want to simultaneously load the upper part of the trapezius muscles, then lower your shoulders at the lower point, and when you start to pull the weight up, lift them.
  • If you want to focus the load exclusively on the deltoid muscles, keep your shoulders at the same level throughout the exercise.
  • Take a second pause at the top of each repetition.
  • Do not cheat when lifting weights.
  • Lower the weight in a smooth controlled movement.
  • Maintain a constant position of the lumbar spine throughout the exercise.
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Perform from 2 to 4 sets of 8-20 repetitions, using such weight to achieve technical (not muscle) failure at the end of each set.

Well, now consider 5 varieties of delt row at an angle of 45 degrees.

45 Degree Dumbbell Incline Row To Target Your Middle And Rear Delts

This is the standard version of the exercise used in the study mentioned above.

Set the back of the bench at an angle of 45 degrees and lie on it with your stomach and chest with dumbbells in each hand.

Instead of sitting on a bench, stand on your seat with your knees. This is much more convenient since in this case, your face will be above the back.

You do not want to rest your face against the surface on which you lay your sweaty back?

Rear Delt Exercises: Standing 45 Degree Incline Row 

The legs should be approximately shoulder-width apart, the knees slightly bent, and the body tilted forward at an angle of 45 degrees.

Standing 45 Degree Incline Row – A Great Exercise For Back And Shoulder Workout

Grasp the bar neck with a wide grip with brushes about 15 cm wider than the shoulders.

Cable Lat 45-Degree Row to Target Posterior Deltoid

Stand straight, slightly apart, at some distance from the lower block, holding in your hands a long handle, which is usually used to pull the upper block. The grip is wide, the brush at a distance of about 15 cm wider than the shoulders.

The unit should be installed a little lower than your knees.

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In the initial position, the arms are extended at an angle of 45 degrees to the body. Pull the handle toward you until your elbows reach a level just above your shoulders. Do not tilt the body back, do not bend too much in the lower back.

  1. Cross row of the 2 lower blocks at an angle of 45 degrees, standing

Instead of the long handle, as in the option described above, you can use 2 D-handles so that your hands move independently of each other.

In the initial position, your forearms are crossed, because in the right hand you hold the handle of the lower-left block, and in the left – the right.

Otherwise, the exercise is similar to the previous option.

Using the row deltoid exercises in the training program

This exercise fits perfectly into the training program for the whole body (full body). At the same time, in one lesson you can perform a bench press while sitting, in the other – thrust for deltas at an angle of 45 degrees, in the third – climbs through the sides, standing and/or in an incline.

Also, thrust for deltas at an angle of 45 degrees allows you to perfectly load the muscles of the shoulders if you just have little time for training. Since you can replace with them as many as 2 exercises (on the middle and rear beam, respectively).

However, if you are engaged in a split, according to which you work out 1-3 muscle groups per workout, thrust for deltas at an angle of 45 degrees should not be performed instead of, but along with lifts through the sides, standing and in an incline.

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Also, if you train your shoulder muscles 2 times a week during split exercises, then in one training session you can perform a bench press or sit and row for deltas at an angle of 45 degrees, and on the other – your usual lifts through the sides, standing and in an incline.

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All information in this article is presented for educational purposes only and is not a medical recommendation.

Before starting classes, consult a doctor, as the implementation of physical exercises may be associated with a health risk for people with existing or pre-existing medical contraindications for participating in such activities.

If you decide to use in practice any information presented in this article, you do it of your own free will, knowingly and voluntarily, assuming responsibility for all possible risks.